HeartRate Hotel (Buy or Rent)

HeartRate Hotel (Buy or Rent)

The definitive travel fitness system that guarantees to provide the sweatiest workouts of your life within the privacy of your own hotel room!

- 59 total fat-slaying hotel room workout videos
- Includes yoga & resistance band routines
- Ideal bedroom workouts for at home use too


Discover how to carve a killer core and crank up your cardio with the revolutionary travel fitness system that targets the most metabolically active muscle groups in your body!

59 Travel Workout Videos in the Privacy of Your Hotel Room

- No expensive equipment needed!
- No long, slow, boring cardio on the hamster wheel!
- No crowded, cramped, and creepy hotel gyms!
- No annoying stares or stupid questions from strangers!

Just the sweatiest travel workouts of your life that will have you burning more calories per minute than any other training system on the market today!

59 Metabolism-Boosting Hotel Room Workouts

The HeartRate Hotel (HRH) Workout Series is based on the cutting-edge science of "metabolic resistance training." All 59 - yes, 59 - workouts are a strategic mix of high-intensity intervals to jack up your heart rate and resistance training exercises that muscle-up the most metabolically active areas of your body. This killer cardio-strength combination concocts a fat-melting recipe that will get you leaner and fitter FASTER than you ever thought possible.

1.) Fast and Fierce Real World Workouts

As any real deal fitness expert will tell you, you can either go hard or go long but you can't do both. Knowing that busy travelers face even greater time constraints than normal we designed every workout to get straight to the fat-frying point with no wasted minutes or movements. After all, HARD bodies are built by HARD work and you’ll have the added benefit of showing off all that HARDNESS with the extra time our HRH workouts save you when compared to traditional long, slow, boring cardio.

2.) Intelligent Calorie-Killing Programming

Each HRH workout is strategically formulated-through the proper sequencing of exercises and optimal work to rest periods to manage fatigue. This allows you train continuously with little to no rest while maintaining maximum training intensity from start to finish. Your heart rate will be elevated throughout each session and as a result you will burn more calories per minute than with any other training system on the market today. Not to mention the additional post-workout calorie burn that promptly follows the completion of every high-intensity metabolic workout.

3.) Customized Exercise Progressions for Everyone

As you go through each HRH workout, the exercises shown start in their most foundational form to both nurture beginners and ensure proper form and technique for veteran trainees. However, make no mistake about it, these metabolic moves get progressively more difficult from cycle to cycle reaching advanced levels towards the electrifying end. Though the ultimate goal is to perform the most challenging exercise variations provided, you control your workout like never before, making it easier or harder as desired by choosing the right moves that best accommodate YOUR current fitness level. You'll proudly feel your body getting stronger and more conditioned every time you press play without having to count reps or sets or track progress in training journals.

4.) Burn as many Calories as Running without the Extra Impact on your Joints

Recent estimates from the University of Southern Maine shows that HRH-style workouts can crush as many calories as running a 6-minute-per-mile pace. Since our workouts use lower-impact bodyweight strength, cardio, and core exercises, you can shred your way to a six-pack while sparing your joints.

5.) Transform a Sluggish Metabolism into Voracious Body Fat-Guzzler

Transform a sluggish metabolism into a voracious body fat-guzzler! Unlike typical one-hour plus cardio workouts on the treadmill or elliptical, HRH workouts accelerate your metabolism for up to 48 hours post-exercise. This way your body torches a ton of calories both during and after your workouts to guarantee you travel lighter than ever before.

6.) Achieve Peak Cardiovascular Condition with the Sweatiest Workouts EVER

A recent study at the University of Hawaii found that HRH-style workouts elevate your heart rate 15 beats per minute higher when compared to running at 60 to 70% of your maximum heart rate. These workouts keep you moving NON-STOP and melting fat CONSTANTLY so you sweat more per second and burn more calories per minute than any other follow-along workout system on the planet.

7.) Muscle-up the Most Metabolically Active Aesthetically Pleasing Areas of your Body

HRH workouts focus on the muscles of your shoulders and hips to increase daily calorie burning while at rest so you can lean out at lightning speed. A more sculpted set of shoulders combined with a more shapely butt creates a V-Taper that makes your waist look smaller from every angle. That’s right, no more sucking it in! This "illusion of leanness" has been used by physique athletes and cover models for decades and is the key to achieving the beach body of your dreams without needing to take dangerous weight loss pills or go on starvation diets. In addition, our system sculpts your abs like never before without any need for tedious, and sometimes painful, crunches or sit-ups.

8.) Crank It with HRH Creator BJ Gaddour, Metabolic Training and Travel Fitness Expert

I travel a ton on business as a consultant to some of the top fitness brands in the world, including Men's Health, Women's Health, and New Balance, and as a speaker spreading the sweet science of metabolic training, so I know what it's like to be a busy little fat-burning bee.

That being said, I absolutely never miss a workout when I'm on the road- NEVER! NO EXCUSES! As a result I've compiled a sweaty slew of equipment-free metabolic bootcamp workouts you can crank out like clockwork using calorie-torching training tools readily found in any hotel room:

- Let's blast fat on a bed
- Get a six-pack with a suitcase
- Whittle your waistline with a wall
- Get funky on the floor
- Trim down and tone up with a towel
- Pump it up with pillows

Bottom line- Whether you're a busy professional looking to get your fat-smash on the next time you to check-in to a hotel, or you have a passion for travel but need help staying tight and toned when enjoying the wonders of the world, YOU Need to get HeartRate Hotel... RIGHT NOW!

9.) Get Ripped with Resistance Bands and Dave “The Band Man” Schmitz

Get better with bands and the world's leading resistance band training expert Dave "The Band Man" Schmitz. He's over 50 but he may just be the most shredded and intense dude you ever train with. The Band Man travels a ton and he's shared his favorite hotel room band workouts for your fat-burning pleasure. After doing the first workout with Dave you'll never leave home without a resistance band again!

10.) Get Yogified with The Ultimate Yoga Transformation Program by Jaimi Patterson

Energize and elongate your entire body with "The Ultimate Yoga Transformation Program" created by Jaimi Patterson, yoga and dance expert. Choose between the beginner, intermediate, and advanced routines, guaranteed to deliver a total body sweat, sculpt and stretch right in your hotel room. It's also a great lower-intensity, stress-relieving option for when your mind and body aren't up for a life-changer of a workout with our other high-intensity routines.

With HRH, you’ll discover new ways to transform your body within only 6 feet of space when traveling for business or pleasure.

In all, you’ll be able to instantly stream or download 59 different follow-along workout videos shot straight out of the sweatiest hotel room in the history of the lodging industry!

It’s simple.

It’s convenient.

It flat out works.

Travel Light, Tummy Tight!

BJ Gaddour

HeartRate Hotel (Buy or Rent)
  • 5 Minute Yoga Sizzler: Arms

    This 5 minute sizzler uses arms-focused yoga moves!

  • 5 Minute Yoga Sizzler: Legs

    This 5 minute sizzler uses legs-focused yoga moves!

  • 5 Minute Yoga Sizzler: Abs

    This 5 minute sizzler uses abs-focused yoga moves!

  • 5 Minute Wall Workout: Total Body

    Burn fat from head to toe with this 5-move, 5-minute wall workout. 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off.

  • 5 Minute Wall Workout: Abs

    Sculpt your abs with this 5-move, 5-minute wall workout. 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off.

  • 5 Minute Wall Workout: Shoulders

    Sizzle your shoulders with this 5-move, 5-minute wall workout. 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off.

  • 5 Minute Wall Workout: Glutes

    Grow your glutes with this 5-move, 5-minute wall workout. 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off.

  • 5 Minute Wall Workout: Legs

    Light up your legs with this 5-move, 5-minute wall workout. 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off.

  • 5 Minute Wall Workout: Arms

    Attack your arms with this 5-move, 5-minute wall workout. 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off.

  • RBT 10 Minute Band Bodybuilder: Upper Body

    Grab a band and upgrade your upper body! 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off for 5 lower body moves done twice through. Get the exact band training equipment used in these workouts here:

    1.) ECONOMY PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ecp/TheDailyBJ/

    2.) TOTAL FITNESS PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.co...

  • RBT 10 Minute Band Bodybuilder: Core

    Grab a band and chisel your core! 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off for 5 lower body moves done twice through. Get the exact band training equipment used in these workouts here:

    1.) ECONOMY PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ecp/TheDailyBJ/

    2.) TOTAL FITNESS PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ft...

  • 6 Minute Towel Sizzler: Abs

    Grab a towel and hit this anytime, anywhere abs workout! Alternate between 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest for 6 moves.

  • RBT 10 Minute Band Bodybuilder: Lower Body

    Grab a band and grow your legs! 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off for 5 lower body moves done twice through. Get the exact band training equipment used in these workouts here:

    1.) ECONOMY PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ecp/TheDailyBJ/

    2.) TOTAL FITNESS PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ftp/...

  • 6 Minute Towel Sizzler: Shoulders

    Grab a towel and hit this anytime, anywhere shoulders workout! Alternate between 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest for 6 moves.

  • 6 Minute Towel Sizzler: Legs

    Grab a towel and hit this anytime, anywhere legs workout! Alternate between 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest for 6 moves.

  • 6 Minute Towel Sizzler: Glutes

    Grab a towel and hit this anytime, anywhere glutes workout! Alternate between 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest for 6 moves.

  • 6 Minute Towel Sizzler: Arms

    Grab a towel and hit this anytime, anywhere arms workout! Alternate between 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest for 6 moves.

  • 6 Minute Towel Sizzler: Total Body

    Grab a towel and hit this total body workout anytime, anywhere! Alternate between 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest for 6 moves.

  • 6 Minute Suitcase Sizzler: Total Body

    Looking for a fast full-body flow? Do this 6 minute suitcase sizzler!

  • 6 Minute Suitcase Sizzler: Shoulders

    Want boulder shoulders? Do this 6 minute suitcase sizzler!

  • 6 Minute Suitcase Sizzler: Legs

    Want wheels of steel? Do this 6 minute suitcase sizzler!

  • 6 Minute Suitcase Sizzler: Arms

    Want tickets to the gun show? Do this 6 minute suitcase sizzler!

  • 6 Minute Suitcase Sizzler: Abs

    Want 6-pack abs? Do this 6 minute suitcase sizzler!

  • 6 Minute Suitcase Sizzler: Glutes

    Want some sweet, supple butt cheeks? Do this 6 minute suitcase sizzler!

  • Cooldown in a Hurry (5 Minutes)

    Use this 5 minute cooldown in a hurry anytime you feel extra sore or tight after any of our workouts.

  • Warmup in a Hurry (5 Minutes)

    Use this 5 minute warmup in a hurry anytime you feel extra sore or tight before any of our workouts.

  • Busy Traveler Strength Workout (Bodyweight)

    15 minute full-body strength circuit. 5 moves. Alternate between 30 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest. Do 4 total cycles.

  • 30 Minute Sweat and Stretch (Bodyweight)

    30 minute active recovery workout. 60 seconds of sweating then 60 seconds of stretching. 15 total rounds.

  • Busy Traveler Endurance Workout (Bodyweight)

    15 minute full-body endurance circuit. 4 moves. Alternate between 60 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest. Do 4 total cycles.

  • Metabolic Matrix B (Bodyweight)

    12 minute full-body bodyweight workout. Each round do 6 moves in a row for 30 seconds each then rest 1 minute. Do 3 total rounds.

  • Metabolic Matrix A (Bodyweight)

    12 minute full-body bodyweight workout. Each round do 6 moves in a row for 30 seconds each then rest 1 minute. Do 3 total rounds.

  • HRH Cardio Workout A (Bodyweight)

    10 minute full-body bodyweight workout. 5 moves. 30 seconds of work. 30 seconds of rest. Do 2 rounds.

  • HRH Cardio Workout C (Bodyweight)

    10 minute full-body bodyweight workout. 5 moves. 30 seconds of work. 30 seconds of rest. Do 2 rounds.

  • Busy Traveler Power Workout (Bodyweight)

    15 minute full-body power circuit. 6 moves. Alternate between 15 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest. Do 5 total cycles.

  • Metabolic Matrix C (Bodyweight)

    12 minute full-body bodyweight workout. Each round do 6 moves in a row for 30 seconds each then rest 1 minute. Do 3 total rounds.

  • HRH Cardio Workout B (Bodyweight)

    10 minute full-body bodyweight workout. 5 moves. 30 seconds of work. 30 seconds of rest. Do 2 rounds.

  • 15 Minute Express Yoga for Men

    This hip & shoulder mobility-focused yoga routine caters to the unique needs of the male physique.

  • 15 Minute Express Yoga for Women

    This arms, abs & glutes-focused yoga routine caters to the unique needs of the female physique.

  • Ultimate Yoga Cooldown (5 minutes)

    Use this 5-minute yoga cooldown for an anytime, anywhere stretch, off-day recovery or post-workout routine.

  • Ultimate Yoga Warmup (5 Minutes)

    Use this 5-minute yoga warmup for an anytime, anywhere stretch, off-day recovery or pre-workout routine.

  • Ultimate Yoga Transformation: Advanced Level

    Master yogis only! This advanced routine features 40 & 50-second flows with a built-in warmup & cooldown.

  • Ultimate Yoga Transformation: Beginner Level

    New to yoga? Start here! This newbie routine features 30-second flows with a built-in warmup & cooldown.

  • Ultimate Yoga Transformation: Intermediate Level

    Level up your yoga game after completing the beginner workout. This progressive routine features 40-second flows with a built-in warmup & cooldown.

  • RBT Sweat and Stretch (30 Minutes)

    60 seconds of sweating mixed with 60 seconds of stretching for 15 total rounds. Get the exact band training equipment used in these workouts here:

    1.) ECONOMY PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ecp/TheDailyBJ/

    2.) TOTAL FITNESS PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ftp/TheDailyBJ/

  • RBT Rapid Fat Loss Cardio C (10 Minutes)

    30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of active recovery. 10 total rounds. Get the exact band training equipment used in these workouts here:

    1.) ECONOMY PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ecp/TheDailyBJ/

    2.) TOTAL FITNESS PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ftp/TheDailyBJ/

  • RBT Rapid Fat Loss Cardio B (10 Minutes)

    30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of active recovery. 10 total rounds. Get the exact band training equipment used in these workouts here:

    1.) ECONOMY PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ecp/TheDailyBJ/

    2.) TOTAL FITNESS PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ftp/TheDailyBJ/

  • RBT Rapid Fat Loss Cardio A (10 Minutes)

    30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of active recovery. 10 total rounds. Get the exact band training equipment used in these workouts here:

    1.) ECONOMY PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ecp/TheDailyBJ/

    2.) TOTAL FITNESS PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ftp/TheDailyBJ/

  • RBT Low-Impact Cardio Workout (10 Minutes)

    Bad knees? This band cardio workout is made just for you! Alternate between 30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest for 10 straight rounds. Get the exact band training equipment used in these workouts here:

    1.) ECONOMY PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ecp/TheDailyBJ/


  • RBT Power Workout B (15 Minutes)

    Grab a lighter band to build power anytime, anywhere! Alternate between 15 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest in this 6-move circuit. Perform 5 total cycles. Get the exact band training equipment used in these workouts here:

    1.) ECONOMY PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ecp/TheDailyBJ/


  • RBT Endurance Workout B (15 Minutes)

    Go 60 seconds on, 15 seconds off to build endurance anytime, anywhere! Get the exact band training equipment used in these workouts here:

    1.) ECONOMY PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ecp/TheDailyBJ/

    2.) TOTAL FITNESS PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ftp/TheDailyBJ/

  • RBT Endurance Workout A (15 Minutes)

    Go 60 seconds on, 15 seconds off to build endurance anytime, anywhere! Get the exact band training equipment used in these workouts here:

    1.) ECONOMY PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ecp/TheDailyBJ/

    2.) TOTAL FITNESS PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ftp/TheDailyBJ/

  • RBT Strength Workout B (15 Minutes)

    Go 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off for 20 total rounds to build strength anytime, anywhere! Get our bands here: https://sleevessoldseparately.com/products/bjs-non-branded-bands?_pos=1&_sid=fddbb50c1&_ss=r&variant=33069201490029

  • RBT Strength Workout A (15 Minutes)

    Go 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off for 20 total rounds to build strength anytime, anywhere! Get our bands here: https://sleevessoldseparately.com/products/bjs-non-branded-bands?_pos=1&_sid=fddbb50c1&_ss=r&variant=33069201490029

  • RBT Power Workout A (15 Minutes)

    Grab a lighter band to build power anytime, anywhere! Alternate between 15 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest in this 6-move circuit. Perform 5 total cycles. Get the exact band training equipment used in these workouts here:

    1.) ECONOMY PACKAGE: https://rbt.isrefer.com/go/ecp/TheDailyBJ/


  • 30-Minute Mad Minute Metabolic Meltdown

    15 mini-workouts within one epic fat-burning bodyweight routine! Do 3 moves for 20 seconds each back-to-back-to-back then rest 1 minute.

  • 40 Minute Sweat Storm

    This 40-minute full-body boxing intervals cardio workout features 10 total 3-minute rounds with 1 minute of rest between rounds.

  • The 30-Minute Terrible Towel Workout

    Alternate between 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest with this 5-move towel circuit. Perform 5 total cycles, resting 1 minute between cycles.

  • The 30-Minute Wicked Wall Workout

    Alternate between 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest with this 5-move wall circuit. Perform 5 total cycles, resting 1 minute between cycles.

  • 48-Minute Suitcase Six-Pack Challenge

    Grab a suitcase and get a 6-pack! Alternate between 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest with this 15 move circuit. Do 3 total cycles, resting 1 minute between rounds.