CORE CRUSHERS features a series of 20 total 6-minute 6-pack follow-along workouts using mostly bodyweight exercises. Each routine builds on the previous one by adding strategic progressions and variations for the most complete at-home core training around. And each workout has a built-in warmup with corrective exercises so you're not only chiseling your core but improving posture & performance plus reducing pain or injury risk.

Here are the top 3 ways to use this content:


Trying to get back into shape? Looking to build sustainable winning habits? Just commit to doing just ONE 6-minute abs workout/day for 20 straight days in the exact order listed. The routines get progressively harder which means you'll never hit a plateau and you'll be challenged in new ways daily.


Book-end any of your other workouts with these quick-hitters OR use these shorter routines anytime you're tired, stressed or tight on time.


You can repeat each of these 6-minute abs workouts up to 3-5x, resting 1-2 minutes between rounds. This will make it a 20-40 minute session you can do at home or take to the gym.

Enjoy ;)

Much Love,

  • CORE CRUSHERS 1 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Foam Roll Upper Back/T-Spine- Arms Crossed
    2. Ball Glutes L/R
    3. Lying Dead Bug Progression
    4. Single-Knee Balance L/R
    5. Kneeling Bird Dog
    6. Upper Body Sprinter- Kneeling to Standing

  • CORE CRUSHERS 2 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Foam Roll Upper Back/T-Spine- Overhead Positioning
    2.Ball High Hamstrings L/R
    3. Dead Bug with Overhead Wall Press Progression- 2-Arm to 1-Arm
    4. Single-Leg Balance L/R
    5. Bird Dog with Wall Leg Press Progression
    6. Ground Zero Jumps- Kneeling to ...

  • CORE CRUSHERS 3 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Foam Roll Lats/Armpits/Ribs L/R
    2. Ball Hip Flexors L/R
    3. Dead Bug with Ball/Foam Roll Crunch L/R- Ipsilateral
    4. Single-Knee Balance L/R- Leg Movement
    5. Elevated Bird Dog Progression
    6. Sprinting in Place: Marching to Jogging to Running

  • CORE CRUSHERS 4 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Ball Lying Pecs/Front Shoulder L/R
    2. Ball Lateral Glute/Hip Flexors L/R
    3. Dead Bug with Ball/Foam Roll Crunch L/R- Contralateral
    4. Single-Leg Balance L/R- Leg Movement
    5. Upright Bird Dog Progression
    6. Shuffling in Place: One Step to Multiple ...

  • CORE CRUSHERS 5 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Ball Rear Shoulder Rotator
    2. Foam Roll Lower Back
    3. Front Plank with Hip Flexion-Extension
    4. Side Plank with Hip Flexion-Extension L/R
    5. Shoulder-Elevated Hip Thrust- Heel, Forefoot, to Toes
    6. Upper Body Sprinter- Split Stance with Level Cha...

  • CORE CRUSHERS 6 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Ball First Rib/Upper Trap Mobilization L/R
    2. Foam Roll Obliques/Side Trunk L/R
    3. Front Plank with Lateral Flexion
    4. Side Plank with Lateral Flexion L/R
    5. Shoulder-Elevated Hip Thrust with Glute Stretch L/R
    6. Skater Jumps with Level Change

  • CORE CRUSHERS 7 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Shoulder Circles
    2. Kneeling Hip Circles L/R
    3. Front Plank with Hip Rotation
    4. Side Plank with Hip Rotation L/R
    5. Shoulder-Elevated Hip Thrust with Passive High Hip Flexion L/R
    6. Single-Leg Sprinter L/R

  • CORE CRUSHERS 8 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Bridge with Alternating Cross-Body Overhead Reach
    2. Kneeling Hip Capsule Mobilization- 2-Leg to 1-Leg
    3. Front Plank with 1-Leg Hip Flexion-Extension L/R (Mountain Climber)
    4. Side Plank with Arm and Leg Flexion-Extension L/R
    5. Shoulder-Elevated...

  • CORE CRUSHERS 9 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Lying Shoulder Internal Rotation Mobilization- 2-Arm to 1-Arm
    2. Side-Lying Abduction on Forearm L/R
    3. Front Plank with 1-Leg Hip Abduction-Adduction L/R (Jumping Jack)
    4. Side Plank with Arm and Leg Abduction-Adduction L/R (Jumping Jack)
    5. Feet...

  • CORE CRUSHERS 10 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Overhead Positioning with External Rotation Mobilization
    2. Side-Lying Clam Shell L/R
    3. Front Plank with 1-Leg Hip Rotation Internal Rotation L/R
    4. Side Plank with Arm and Leg Rotation L/R
    5. Feet-Elevated Single-Leg Hip Thrusts L/R
    6. 1-Leg Hop...

  • CORE CRUSHERS 11 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Wall Slide with Overhead Shrug- Facing Wall
    2. Deep Hip Flexor Mobilization L/R: Kneeling or on Step
    3. Front Plank with 1-Arm Flexion-Extension L/R
    4. Rotating Side Plank (T-Stabilization) with Abduction (Top Leg Raise)
    5. Shoulder and Feet-Eleva...

  • CORE CRUSHERS 12 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Wall Slide- Facing Away from Wall
    2. 3-D Hamstring Mobilization L/R: Kneeling or on Step
    3. Front Plank with 1-Arm Abduction-Adduction L/R
    4. Rotating Side Plank (T-Stabilization) with Adduction (Bottom Leg Raise)
    5. Shoulder and Feet-Elevated Sin...

  • CORE CRUSHERS 13 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Scap Protractions: Push-up Shrugs- Knees to Toes
    2. Glute Stretch with Int./Ext. Rotation L/R
    3. Lying Hollow-Body
    4. Side-Lying Hollow-Body L/R
    5. Hollow-Body Bridge- 2-Leg to March
    6. Sprinter Squats L/R

  • CORE CRUSHERS 14 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Scap Retractions- On Floor or Against Wall/Corner of Wall
    2. Cross-Legged Lateral Hip Opener L/R
    3. Hollow-Body Rocking
    4. Hollow-Body Rolling
    5. Supermans (Reverse Hollow-Body)
    6. 1-Leg Hops L/R with Level Change

  • CORE CRUSHERS 15 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Dip Shrugs
    2. Lateral Side Opener Over Ball L/R (Or Standing Lateral Flexion)
    3. Crunches
    4. Side Crunches L/R
    5. Trunk Extensions
    6. Sprinter Skips L/R

  • CORE CRUSHERS 16 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Lying Prone Shoulder Sweeps (Dynamic Blackburns)
    2. Hip-Hinge + Opposite Hamstring Mobilization L/R
    3. Lying Leg Raises
    4. Seated Trunk Rotations
    5. Reverse Lying Leg Raises
    6. Box Squat Jumps- 2-Leg to Alternating 1-Leg

  • CORE CRUSHERS 17 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Upper Body Rolling L/R
    2. Lower Body Rolling L/R
    3. Reverse Crunches- Bent-Knee to Straight-Legged
    4. Bicycles- Lying to Seated
    5. Bridge to Squat
    6. Sprinter Starts L/R- Step Back to Step Back and Forward

  • CORE CRUSHERS 18 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Feet-Elevated Overhead Bridge
    2. Seated Hip-Hinges (Good Mornings)
    3. Hollow Body Tucks, Straddles and Pikes
    4. Windshield Wipers
    5. Rear-Foot-Elevated Single-Leg Hip Hinges L/R
    6. Rolling Squats- Box, Floor, 2-Leg to Alternating 1-Leg

  • CORE CRUSHERS 19 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. Handstand Shrugs- Push-Back to Pike to Handstand
    2. Seated or Standing High Hip Flexion L/R
    3. Seated V-Sit to Hands-Elevated L-Sit Progression
    4. Quick Get-ups L/R
    5. Quick Bridge-Ups L/R
    6. Push-up to Alternating Leg Sprinter Start

  • CORE CRUSHERS 20 (6 Minutes)

    6 moves in 6 minutes for 6-pack abs training:

    1. I-T-Y Scap Raises
    2. Seated 1-Leg Hip-Hinges L/R (Good Mornings)
    3. Anchored Sit-ups to Running Sit-ups (or Running Man Sit-ups)
    4. Sit-up to Get-Up L/R
    5. Sit-up to Bridge-Up- 2-Legs to 1-Leg
    6. Rolling Squats to Burpees- 2-Leg to Alternating 1-Leg