The TOTAL category focuses on full-body movements that work the vast majority of your muscle mass. This maximally elevates your heart rate for an incredible cardio-metabolic response. These high-priority drills tend to provide the perfect blend of strength & conditioning, especially when time is tight. That makes them ideal for fat loss & lean muscle gain.


    If I had to pick just one exercise for full-body fitness, it would be the Getup. Lay on your back with a dumbbell overhead and go from ground to stand and back. It’s a multi-move miracle combining planking, bridging, hinging & lunging. And it’s a lie detector test for your overall mobility, stabi...


    Boxing is my favorite full-body workout. Plus it trains your brain.


    Use a staggered stance. A straight line should separate your feet. Switch feet to transfer from an Orthodox to Southpaw stance. First get bouncy on your toes & forefoot. Then practice pivoting the feet & rotating the hip...


    Besides Boxing, there’s no better exercise for mental health & stress relief than the Slam. The key to doing it right is to always keep your shoulders higher than your hips. Don’t bend at the spine! To get the most out of the exercise, try to get all the way up on the toes to train triple extensi...


    A study showed that swings provide a similar cardio-metabolic response to running without all the impact forces. It builds the entire backside of your body plus it improves posture making it an excellent anti-aging exercise.

    The Swing is basically a hip-hinge to standing plank. Master those 2 mo...


    The Shuffle is an awesome cardio & agility exercise that can be done in small spaces. It also trains the often neglected frontal plane or lateral movement reducing the risk of non-contact injuries like ACL tears. When done properly, it will strengthen the inner & outer hips and thighs.

    Start wi...


    The Skater Jump is one of my favorite cardio exercises. It’s easy on the knees but hard on the glutes. First master skater steps where the toes of the inside foot kickstand for extra support and stability. Then bridge the gap with the foot pickup technique. Finally progress to jumping leg to leg...


    The best pushup to burn fat is my signature Blast-Off Pushup. Some people call it The Tyson Pushup because apparently the former heavyweight champion of the world used to do them in training. To maximize fat loss, you have to pick exercises that work a lot of muscle mass. This increases your hear...


    For most people, running year-round is a non-starter due to cold or rainy weather months. And a treadmill is expensive. But Stationary Running is a great substitute plus it’s lower-impact.

    First learn how to March with opposite arm-leg mechanics. Your arms should form 90-degree angles throughou...


    The Burpee combines a hinge, pushup, squat & jump into one undeniably hellish total body torcher. But this classic exercise has fallen out of favor because of its complexity & difficulty. Many people butcher the move because they don’t have the mobility to get up & down off the ground without col...


    Box Thrusters

    Thrusters, or the squat to press, are a popular CrossFit combination exercise that tests the mind, body & soul. Personally, I prefer Box Thrusters for the general population especially because this exercise can be a disaster when performed too heavy or too fast.

    Sitting onto a bo...