M4 FITNESS: Massage. Mobility. Muscle. Metabolism

M4 FITNESS: Massage. Mobility. Muscle. Metabolism

BUY OR RENT! This is a series of THREE 40-minute follow-along workouts that use a special exercise selection sequence to maximize fat-burning and muscle-building results.

Each circuit consists of the following flow:

Exercise#1- Massage: A foam rolling exercise that will improve tissue quality, release tight joints, and knead-out muscle knots.

Exercise#2- Mobility: A dynamic warm-up drill that will activate key muscles and take key joints through a full range of motion to prep your body for the intense exercises to come.

Exercise#3- Muscle: A resistance training dumbbell move (or superset) that will build muscle, boost strength, and improve performance.

Exercise#4- Metabolism: A bodyweight cardio sequence that will elevate heart rate, fry fat, and torch calories.

Alternate between these 3 full-body workouts each week with at least a day of rest between sessions.

For example:

M: Workout A
T: Off, Walk or Recovery
W: Workout B
TH: Off, Walk or Recovery
F: Workout C
Sat & Sun: Off, Walk or Recovery

You can use this 3 workouts/week rotation for as little as 3-6 weeks and as long as 6-12 weeks and continue to get great results without plateauing, especially if you're new to training and/or trying to get back into shape.

Enjoy ;)

Much Love,

M4 FITNESS: Massage. Mobility. Muscle. Metabolism
  • M4 FITNESS: Workout A

    4 moves. 4 circuits. 40 minute total body workout. Each circuit consists of the following flow:

    Exercise#1- Massage: A foam rolling exercise that will improve tissue quality, release tight joints, and knead-out muscle knots.

    Exercise#2- Mobility: A dynamic warm-up drill that will activate key m...

  • M4 FITNESS: Workout B

    4 moves. 4 circuits. 40 minute total body workout. Each circuit consists of the following flow:

    Exercise#1- Massage: A foam rolling exercise that will improve tissue quality, release tight joints, and knead-out muscle knots.

    Exercise#2- Mobility: A dynamic warm-up drill that will activate key m...

  • M4 FITNESS: Workout C

    4 moves. 4 circuits. 40 minute total body workout. Each circuit consists of the following flow:

    Exercise#1- Massage: A foam rolling exercise that will improve tissue quality, release tight joints, and knead-out muscle knots.

    Exercise#2- Mobility: A dynamic warm-up drill that will activate key m...