This 12-exercise metabolic resistance training circuit trains the whole body & maximally depletes muscle glycogen stores to stimulate rapid fat loss. Unilateral training strengthens imbalances between sides and increases core activation. It’s also more joint-friendly and easier to recover from.
Alternate between 30 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest for each move in the exact order listed:
Left-Arm Lateral Hinge to Forearm
Right-Arm Lateral Hinge to Forearm
Left-Leg Shoulders-Elevated Hip-Thrust
Right-Leg Shoulders-Elevated Hip-Thrust
Left-Arm Row to High Pull
Right-Arm Row to High Pull
Left-Leg Front-Foot-Elevated Goblet Split Squat
Right-Leg Front-Foot-Elevated Goblet Split Squat
Left-Arm Split Jerk
Right-Arm Split Jerk
Left-Leg Forwards & Backwards Hop
Right-Leg Forwards & Backwards Hop
That’s 1 round. Perform 2 total rounds, resting 1 minute between rounds.