SHRED: Fat Loss & MetCon

SHRED: Fat Loss & MetCon

3 Seasons

Burn body fat fast with the best 3-month fat loss & metabolic conditioning program on the planet!

YO! I created this game-changing product during the pandemic. Like many of you, I was stuck in the house so I decided to focus on my craft as a much-needed distraction. This is also built to be the perfect followup product to ORIGINS (link to origins site) for those who have already completed that 3-month breathing, mobility & stability transformation program.

SHRED features my latest & greatest fat loss and metabolic conditioning workouts that many of you know me best for from my Men’s Health days (SpeedShred, Bodyweight Burners, MetaShred, etc.). Each weekly workout comes with a full-length follow-along workout that automates your training session from start to finish. Plus, there’s a 20-minute follow-along EXPRESS version of every workout for busy people or busier days.

Outlined below are the killer training templates from month to month, not including warmups, cooldowns plus optional starters and finishers!


90-30 Metabolic Mobility 1.0
60-30 Core/Cardio Supersets
45-15 Peripheral Heart Action (PHA) Circuits


90-30 Metabolic Mobility 2.0
60-120 Combat Core/Cardio Combos
30-15 Single-Sided Shredder


90-30 Metabolic Mobility 3.0
Belly Fat-Burning Getups
20/10 Super Shredder Circuits

This a progressive & periodized 3-month transformation program that comes in 3 distinct waves of 3 weeks of escalating training & 1 week of active recovery. And it’s designed to make light weight feel heavy. Plus we only use minimal equipment for home workouts you can also take to the gym - bodyweight, bells, bands and med balls.


- 32 TOTAL pieces of content!
- 9 EXPRESS 20-minute follow-along workouts for busy people
- 9 EPIC full-length rapid fat loss follow-along workouts
- 3 BONUS monthly pushup & pullup specialization plans for strength and muscle gain
- 6 BONUS recovery videos for longevity

I put everything I have into this product. And I do believe it’s my absolute best fat loss product to date. Get ready to make a serious change, baby!

Much Love,



“Incredible workout, BJ. I really felt the 1arm swings and 2arm thrusters in the core which is a testament to much better positioning/mobility I think. The pulsing finisher was something else and my legs were not cooperating today. Rest/pauses were needed to reach the 10 minute mark. Just wanted to take this spot in the calendar to say how good this year’s masterclass really is. The upward progression on the bodybuilding pyramid has been really gratifying. Thanks for all the hard work/effort you put in BJG.”

- John Brickley

“I’m dead… but also the most shredded I’ve ever been at 40. Thank you BJ.”

- Adam Orsborn

“The warmup was a workout in itself! loved the shin box halo. downward dog was a shoulder killer for me. The belly get ups to shin box was just what I needed, I was having some knee and hip mobility issues and this section helped me work through that. 20-10 was absolutely killer! The plyo push ups ...Damn! Also really like the medball stuff! The finisher was a little easier for me this week. not sure if that was due to me getting stronger or if the pulses helped give me knee a rest. but I did go a little longer then last week without assistance. Excellent work! feeling stronger every week and in the best shape of my life! Gainzzz!!!”

- Aaron

“Excellent WOW! Definitely the most challenging, thanks for the warning! I had to make some modifications, but I'm in the best shape of my life at 46 years old! Looking forward to next month’s programming!!!”

- Kim

“This workout was the worst (and best so far). I was ☠️☠️☠️ by circuit 3 of the 20-10 shredders. I really had to dig deep during the finisher. Since my second time through the full WOW 16, I’ve been able to hang in for all 10 minutes, with assists and some 10-15 second breaks. Last week I was able to get through 6 minutes before needed stick assistance. These pulsing see saws were extra tough and I needed assistance after minute 4. Shooting for 6 minutes without assist on Friday. And I learned a lesson this NOT skim through PWOR while drinking preworkout. It added an extra layer of “oh 💩 😳” Thanks for being a great coach and motivator. I truly can’t imagine getting through some of these workouts without you. 🙏”

- Megan Y

“This may be my favorite Shinbox variation. Great start to the workout. I really appreciate the mobility part of this program - and I would bet most average people would struggle to get thru the mobility warm up. The belly getups and progressions are challenging. I’m glad these are a staple in the program and I’m improving my mobility on those with the hips. Can’t wait to see where I end the year on that. The 20/10 circuits are flat out amazing. Love the boxing 🥊, my technique is so much stronger now. Also the thrusters are just 🔥 Finisher is just punishing in a good way. I appreciate the variation we get with med balls, bands, KB’s, DB’s, body weight, etc. These workouts are so badass, I love it!”

- Jeff R.

“Like Ronny and C-Scarp mentioned, this workout was fun but also, devastating! Metabolic mobility: Love this section, although this weeks was pretty tough. I think all the pushups/pullups added to it, but I definitely was feeling my chest during the shinbox halos(LOVED this variation!!) and the scap press/press ladder. I also really like the variations of the skater jump and pulsing squats from this week, great way to get the full body warmed up! Though Ive mentioned this before, LOVE to do this section on off days, it really helps with my recovery! Belly shinbox get up. A great variation. Ive gotten so much better at this version since we first started doing it way back in December, so its cool to see my progression. Ive gotten so much better/more stable in the shinbox raise!! At this point in the workout I was thinking, man this workout is great and fun! However....then came.... 20/10 Super Shredder: HOLY FUCK!! This week's tweaks for da freaks were nuts! This one does punch you in the gut right away, all the plyos got my heart rate flying!! However, sets 2 and 3 were just brutal!! The swings section always jacks my heart rate up through the roof so trying to bring it down some with deep belly breathing during the min rest is key for me, wasn't quite enough haha! The jack attacks section is really challenging, especially because it is twice through. The 25s on the jack thrusters the second round were nuts! That was probably the toughest part of this section for me today, if not the whole workout. Finisher: I knew this was coming way back with WOW 16 lol!! And it was just as brutal as I thought...and...quite humbling. This was the first time this month that I couldn't do it as fully prescribed (kind of). I only managed 2 min per leg with 3 pulses, the rest of the time I switched to 2 pulses so that I could keep going unbroken. I made it (barely)! It just provides an area of improvement for Friday though, I WILL do better on FriYay!! Overall, love this month's workouts!! Fun, brutal, effective. MUCH LOVE and PRAISE To the Metabolic Messiah himself!! Have a great rest of the week team!!”

- Collin Ray

SHRED: Fat Loss & MetCon
  • Sample SHRED Training Calendar PDF

    5.18 MB

    Please reference these training calendars from the 2021 Q2 schedule to make it work for your own schedule! Each month waves in 3 weeks on, 1 week off.

  • 2021 EXPRESS WOW 10

    Episode 1

    EXPRESS is a shortened & simplified 20-minute follow-along version of the full 1-hour WOW (Workout of the Week). It features the main moves in a carefully-crafted chronological order with a classic interval circuit training format.

    It’s designed for trainees who need fast, fun & effective anyti...

  • 2021 WOW 10 Follow-Along Workout

    Episode 2

    This is the FULL follow-along workout for WOW 10. You can connect to your big-screen via chromecast or HDMI connection.

    One final note in terms of LOADING for this month's training:

    I highly recommend you use the same load for your 45-15 PHA Endurance Circuits. The Straddle Press (and its varia...

  • 2021 EXPRESS WOW 11

    Episode 3

    This week’s workout uses the exact same training template as last week. However, strategic variations or progressions will be added to every single move to maximize the training effect. If you’re unable to properly perform any new tweak, simply modify with the base move from the previous week. Sm...

  • 2021 WOW 11 Follow-Along Workout

    Episode 4

    This week’s workout uses the exact same training template as last week. However, strategic variations or progressions will be added to every single move to maximize the training effect. If you’re unable to properly perform any new tweak, simply modify with the base move from the previous week. Sm...

  • 2021 EXPRESS WOW 12

    Episode 5

    This week’s workout uses the exact same training template as last week. However, strategic variations or progressions will be added to every single move to maximize the training effect. If you’re unable to properly perform any new tweak, simply modify with the base move from the previous week. Sm...

  • 2021 WOW 12 Follow-Along Workout

    Episode 6

    This week’s workout uses the exact same training template as last week. However, strategic variations or progressions will be added to every single move to maximize the training effect. If you’re unable to properly perform any new tweak, simply modify with the base move from the previous week. Sm...

  • Month 1 Pushups & Pullups Specialization Plan Tutorial

    Episode 7

    This is the tutorial for Month 1 of the Pushups & Pullups Specialization Plan. Please be sure to download the companion PDF outlining your custom training plan.

  • Month 1 Pushups & Pullups Plan PDF

    12.4 MB

    This is the companion PDF for Month 1 of the Pushups & Pullups Plan. Please download it for ongoing reference.

  • BONUS CONTENT: Pushups and Pullups Recovery & Accessory Work

    Episode 8

    This is bonus content for the 2021 Q2 Pushups and Pullups Specialization program featuring:

    1.) 7 key upper body recovery drills
    2.) 3 band isolations moves for the arms & shoulders


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